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Working closely with industry, government departments and key suppliers, we use our expertise to create the cutting-edge technologies needed to meet some of the greatest challenges with specific expertise in the defence arena.  The links above give an overview of areas of particular expertise that are interest to many customers.


Our portfolio includes deployable systems, vehicle systems, infrastructure, data centres and training systems. Using advanced analysis and modelling we provide advice on the effects of modifying, upgrading and supporting assets to maximise their operational capability.


We provide independent safety advice to help define requirements, develop specification and assess equipment to meet the required standards in safety and performance.


Our multidisciplinary experience in systems engineering, and detailed knowledge of defence standards, means we can support clients in the delivery of most systems for civil & Defence projects. Whether the need is to complement existing team with skills that may be missing or full project guidance, Sandesign can provide the right engineer for the task.

Our Skills:

Sandesign draws on its comprehensive technical knowledge in the engineering arena to support our customer delivering projects to the UK MoD and civil industries as well as supporting other defence industry projects across land, air and sea, providing end-to-end capability.

Sandesign is known for its innovative thinking and expertise on land systems. We help our clients improve the safety, efficiency and performance of existing defence assets and those in development.

Our multi-skilled engineers help our customer’s in all aspects of their technical projects.  We supply trained personnel, with relevant skills, certification and motivation to ensure successful projects are completed to time, scope and budget.

Technical Consultancy

  • Systems engineering

  • Concept and assessment phase support

  • Development and decision support

  • Technology management

  • Requirements and acceptance management

  • Safety and environmental management

  • Supportability (ILS)

  • Information security

  • Availability, reliability and maintainability

  • Technical management and design support

  • Risk management

  • Signature management

  • Asset management

  • Asset integrity management

  • Supply chain management

  • Weld modelling

  • Noise and vibration

  • Human factors

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